Revista de ciencia de los alimentos y nutrición


Food toxicology and fermentation technology

Chipo Sibanda

The study of the nature, qualities, effects, and detection of toxic compounds in food, as well as their disease manifestation in humans, is known as food toxicology. Radioactive elements, heavy metals, and food-processing packaging materials are examples of such things. Toxicants in food, the health implications of high nutrient intakes, and toxicant-nutrient interactions are all topics covered by food and nutritional toxicologists. Food, along with air and water, is one of the most important components for living beings to survive. Food toxicology is the study of chemicals contained in food that, when consumed, can harm people. Detecting harmful compounds in food, defining their characteristics, researching their fate in the body (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), and investigating their adverse health effects are all part of the discipline of food toxicology. Toxic compounds can be naturally present in food, created when it is cooked, added to food directly, or they can enter food through the nearby environment, such as packaging.