Revista de biología de sistemas e investigación de proteomas


On the effects of astragaloside IV on rat spermatogenesis-related microenvironmental damage

Mohammad Aburumman

In circumstances when preterm birth is at danger, betamethasone therapy is used to encourage foetal lung maturation and reduce neonatal death and morbidity. However, our laboratory has documented late reproductive issues in both male and female rats exposed to this chemical in utero. The goal of the current study was to determine how betamethasone affected the prepubescent male offspring of women exposed to this synthetic glucocorticoid during pregnancy. To do this, pregnant Wistar rats were divided into two groups: the control group, which received saline treatment, and the group, which received betamethasone treatment. On gestational days, crucial times for the development of the fetus' reproductive system, intramuscular injections of betamethasone and the control group were administered. Reduced body and organ weights, abnormalities in the early reproductive characteristics of prepubescent male offspring exposed to betamethasone in utero, such as a shortening of the anogenital distance, changes in histomorphometric parameters, and immunostaining of androgen and oestrogen receptors on the testicles and epididymides are all associated with the treatment. Our findings imply that prenatal betamethasone exposure may influence male postnatal reproductive development and result in reproductive reprogramming. These findings cast doubt on the use of betamethasone in prenatal care for people. OPs prevented Bcl-2/Bax- and JNK-phosphorylation-mediated apoptosis. In conclusion, OPs may be able to safeguard male fertility by protecting against testicular damage and spermatogenesis abnormalities brought on by TP.