Multi-drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in Tianjin, China from 2006 to 2015
Zhang Li-Xia, Qin Zhong-Hua, Sun Hai-Bai, Wu Min, Wu Qi
Introduction: Drug resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) especially multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) has become a serious public health problem in China and worldwide. We retrospectively analysed the Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) of 4 Tuberculosis (TB) drugs in 10 years, and provide reference for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.
Methods: 10856 strains were isolated from specimen of TB patients during 2006-2015 at our hospital; the liquid culture method was used for DST of 4 drugs-Streptomycin (S), Isoniazid (I), Rifampin (R) and Ethambutol (E). Analysis was performed for monodrug, polydrug and multi drug susceptibility testing.
Results: The total drug resistance rate was 33.92% (3682/10856); the total monodrug resistance rate was 13.38% (1452/10856); the total Polydrug Resistant (PDR) rate was 7.88% (855/10856) and the total Multidrug Resistant (MDR) rate was 12.68% (1375/10856). The single drug resistance resistant rate of Isoniazid (I) was higher than the other 3 anti-tuberculosis drugs every year. The single and multi-drug resistant rates to ethambutol were low. The Multidrug Resistance (MDR-TB) rate was higher in local region than national average.
Conclusion: Adjust the treatment plan of tuberculosis, strengthen the supervision and management are very necessary to control tuberculosis. More effective measures are still needed to curb the outbreaks and the recurrence rate of MDR-TB.