Revista de Oncología Médica y Terapéutica


Hyperglycemia and obesity related with intestinal neoplasia. Survey in an oncology centre.

Beatriz Dal Santo Francisco Bonamichi, Carla Andressa Rodrigues Dias, Patricia Massae Marubayashi, Rafael Bonamichi dos Santos, Hezio Jadir Fernandes Junior, Joao Eduardo Nunes Salles

Background: One of the most common causes of malignant neoplams is colorectal cancer. This pathology may generate severe illness and complications leading to death. Metabolic dysfunction, including obesity and hyperglycemia, has increased exponentially and previous studies have suggested an association between those risk factors and a greater risk of colorectal cancer. Aim: To assess the prevalence and the role of metabolic pathology in patients with intestinal cancer. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study conducted at a Cancer Reference Center in Sao Paulo of patients diagnosed with intestinal cancers. During the first consult, the fasting blood glucose and body mass index were verified. The Student T-test was used. The rejection standard of the null hypothesis was set at 0.05 or 5% (α ≤ 0.05). Results: Our study analyzed 105 patients, of which 60-69 year olds were the more prevalent age group. Of those studied, 50% of the patients were found to be overweight and obese and 47.6% were found to be hyperglycemic. The prevalent weight group of patients were those classified as overweight being between 25 and 29 kg/m2 showing an incidence of 47.4% of rectal cancer and 52.4% of colon cancer. The hyperglycemic patient group showed a prevalence of 28% with rectal cancer and 72% with colon cancer. Those showing rectal cancer consisted of 57,2% men and 28.5% women. Those showing colon cancer demonstrated a prevalence of 41.6% of men and 5.5% women. However, those patients within the hyperglycemic group had no prior diagnosis of T2DM and were unaware of their condition. Conclusion: Our study emphasizes the importance of metabolic disorders and the necessity of effective preventive health measures in attempt to prevent the development of severe pathology with high rate of mortality.