Effectiveness of higher dilutions of developed polyclonal antibodies in enzymelinked immunosorbent assay for detection of Citrus tristeza virus in citrus
Thakre RA, Gahukar SJ, Akhare AA, Chungada AS, Surbhaiyya SD, Bodade SR
DAS ELISA has revolutionized the detection test, making it feasible to test large number of samples.
ELISA test can provide rapid, sensitive and economical detection of CTV in crude extracts from
citrus trees. Polyclonal antibodies specific to CTV were produced in Rabbit using ultrapurified virus.
Raised antiserum specificity was confirmed with Dot-blot. Plate ELISA at higher antibody dilutions
was performed to check the reactivity at lowest concentration of antibody. No colour development
observed in any combinations of antigen-antibody dilution. All OD readings were negative in the
ELISA reader at 405 nm. Study revealed that dilutions of antibody beyond 1:32000, non-functional
to detect CTV.