Revista de salud pública y nutrición


A review of factor associated with alcohol abuse among youths

Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu*, Getrude Uzoma Obeagu

Alcohol is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine and liquor. Alcohol is produced by fermentation of yeast, sugar and starches. Alcohol abuse is a maladaptive pattern of use of a psychoactive substance, indicated by continued use despite of knowledge of having persistent or recurrent social, occupational, physiological or physical problems that are caused or exacerbated by the use. The major factors that contribute to alcohol abuse among youth are environmental factors which include availability, presence of local breweries and persuasive advertisements followed by socio-economic factors like unemployment, peer pressure, social norms, stress, boredom, family neglect among others. The effects of alcohol abuse are poverty, gastric ulcers, death.